Sunday, February 26, 2023

Media Studies Project


                                                              Shooting Schedule

         For any production process, a shooting schedule is required. Shooting schedules help you organize your time and make sure you get everything done properly. Additionally, shooting schedules provide designated days for you to work on your production. Therefore, if you ever forget when/what you are supposed to film a shooting schedule becomes handy. 

Here is the shooting schedule for my Cambridge Portfolio Project:

  •  Film Scenes 1 - 3 ( March 3 - 5)

  • Film Scenes 4 - 6 ( March 9 - 10)

  • Film Scenes 7- 9 (March 16 - 17)

  • Film Scenes 10 - 12 (March 18th) 

  • Begin editing process and work on CCR (March 19 - 26)

  • Finish CCR and add ALL finishing touches to production (March 27 - April 1)

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Media Studies Project


                                                                  Group Meeting  

             Throughout the school week, my AICE Media teacher put us into group to discuss our Cambridge Portfolio Projects. I was put into a group of five people and they each gave very helpful advice. Everyone had an opinion of their own and allowed me to see how my project could possibly be viewed from another person. In this blog posting, I will be discussing the advice that I received throughout my group meeting. 

 Costume Designs

         In the group meeting, I was questioned of the significance of the mis-en-scene of my characters. I was questioned on why my main female character (Maria), only wore blouses and/or professional dresses. Additionally, I was questioned on why my other main character (John) only wore suits. I was given the advice that my characters should have a wider range of clothing for, the same kind of outfits wouldn't be repeated throughout the film. 

Introduction to Film Opening

        In the group meeting, many people loved my idea of having sunsets and flowers as essential parts of the setting. They agreed that it would help the movie have a romantic feel to it. Their only concern was how long I would be showing sunsets/flowers during the film opening. Their advice was to make it short and sweet, so I could have enough time to portray a bit of the actual film. 


       As you know, the title of my film is Ever After. As I explained the title to my peers, there was a little confusion on why I chose that name for my film. However, when I explained that the title (Ever After) was inspired by the famous quote "Happily Ever After," and it portrays the forever love the two characters will experience in my film, my peers began to love it. As they understood its meaning, they could clearly see why my film would be named that. Overall, I am very thankful for the group meeting because it allowed me to take into consideration other people's opinion of my film. I also gained amazing advice from the group meeting!


Friday, February 24, 2023

Media Studies Project



                Any film production requires the development of a storyboard. Any film production requires a variety of outlines and sketches that explain the plot of the film. Plots are made through immense thinking and layouts/storyboards help with this process. Here is the process of the creation of my storyboard:


             Outlines are an essential part of the storyboard process. Outlines help with the organization of any film/movie production. Organization is very important because it helps you sort out your ideas and create an amazing final product from them. Organization is required to create plots that make sense for your designated movie genre. Here is the outline of my storyboard:

           As shown above, I created 3 rows of 4 squares for my storyboard. Each scene in my film production is represented by one of the squares. As of now, I have 12 scenes planned out. The scenes will be drawn from the beginning, to the end of my film opening. It is important that all of the scenes are in order, so there will be no confusion when the production process is taking place. 


             Storyboards are known as a sequence of drawings that explain the plot of a film. My storyboard consists of 12 scenes, and each scene has significance to my film opening. From the very beginning to the very end, each scene will engage my audience. Every scene adds to the romantic appeal that I am trying to execute for my production. Here is a picture of my completed storyboard:

             Regarding the storyboard, the setting is made very clear from the beginning. I will start off with a pan of the sky in mid-day/sunset. Next, I will include shots of the downtown area I am filming in and include pictures of various flowers. After the initial setting of my film opening is illustrated, I will begin introducing my two main characters. The first character introduced is Maria. Maria begins walking out of her workplace into a nearby parking lot. As Maria approaches her car, John (other main character) begins to walk out into the parking lot as well. As they both approach their cars, they make eye contact. Both John and Maria, have a smile on their face and begin to blush. After this scene, the title (Ever After) appears...

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Media Studies Project



             Hey guys, as you can see it is a new week! This week is solely based on the planning process of my Film Production. It is important that I spend quality time in this process to ensure a wonderful Film production. That being said, let's get into Part 1 of my planning process...

Overall Setting/Location of Film: 

       As I mentioned during the Research process, I would like to include a variety of sunsets, flowers, etc. in the setting of my Film Opening. These setting aspects really correlate to a romantic feel and it is important that my film symbolizes this. Additionally, the setting of my film will be held in the downtown area of Florida. As my two characters (John and Maria) are adults in the workplace, it is sensible for the setting to be able to surround that. Here are examples of what I potentially want the setting of my film to look like:

        As you can see, I would like the setting to be in the center of a downtown area. Most workplaces are surrounded by various buildings and roads. In knowing this, it is important that my production has a very natural and modern feel to it. It would be questionable if the setting was not in/related to a downtown area. This is because, my two main characters (John and Maria) both are active adults who spend most of their time at work. That being said, most jobs are surrounded by other workplaces in downtown areas.

Music Choice for Film Production:

          For any film production, it is essential that there is good background music that relates to the plot of the film. As you know, the genre of my film is Romance. Therefore, it is important that I incorporate romantic music during my film production. Some artists that specialize in romantic music are Smokey Robinson, Prince, Carole King, Eben, Kevin Kaarl, Sam Cooke, etc. Here are some songs that I am considering to put in my film production:


    Each one of these songs have a wholesome feel to it. Each song is based on the love someone else has for another person. These songs are all centered around love and the description of the way a person can make someone feel. These are the exact type of songs I want to incorporate in my production. Music is a huge part of any film production and it requires dedication to pick the right song choice for your film!


Sunday, February 19, 2023

Media Studies Project


                                                      Introduction to Planning 

             I plan to make an amazing film opening. I am very excited to pursue the Romance genre and make something really special out of it. However to accomplish this, I need to plan and organize. Here is an introduction to my planning schedule for my production:


     1. Brainstorm ideas for film

     2. Work on + complete research

     3. Plan storyline/storyboard

     4. Research reasonable mis-en-scene

     5. Research reasonable setting

     6. Make production schedule 


Saturday, February 18, 2023

Media Studies Project


                                                             Technical Elements

              Technical elements are similar to production and story elements. Production and story elements are the key factors in a successful film. Examples of technical elements are Mis-en-scene, point of view, story, etc. That being said, I will be going over how each one of these examples relate to my film. 


             My film opening is centered around a love story. The main characters (John and Maria) fall in love. Ever After (name of the film) illustrates John and Maria's love story and how they came to be immensely in love. John and Maria meet at a work office, looks are exchanged, and the rest is history. Ever After is going to portray exactly how John and Maria became infatuated with each other. 

Point of View

              The film will be in third-person point of view. The audience will be able to view the movie as they wish and make their own assumptions of it. Narration will not be involved. Point of View is very important because it dictates how an audience will view a movie. Most Romantic films are in third-person point of view. This is so the audience will not be persuaded to view a movie a certain way. The audience will be able to create their personal opinion of it. 



          As you know, the names of the characters of my film opening are John and Maria. They are both apart of an intimate love story. Since the film is representing my parents love for each other, the characters will be in their adult life. Each character will dress as an adult male and adult female. For example, Maria will be in professional attire (dresses, skirts, blouses, etc.) John will be in professional attire as well(tuxes, suits, trousers, etc.)




Technical Aspects of Film Study | Film as text (

Different Points of View? - DeerTales

Friday, February 17, 2023

Media Studies Project


                                                             Research (continued)

         As said on the last blog post, I will be pursuing Romance as my movie genre. Romance films are very common upon movie genres. They are one of the more popular movie genres to pursue. Some well-known Romance films are Titanic, Call Me By Your Name, Love & Basketball, etc. Moreover, I would like to introduce the name of my Film. I will be naming my film Ever After. I referenced it from the quote "Happily Ever After," and it represents the characters eternal love for each other.

Plot Aspects 

        Plot aspects are very important for the creation of a film. An ideal introduction for my film would be a very natural setting. It would include roses, sunsets, nature, etc. The introduction would have a very natural and soothing feel to it. Regarding sound elements, I will incorporate slow, melody songs that will ease the audience into the film. All of this adds up to the romantic setting, which is the sole purpose of the film.

Examples of setting:

  • Roses/Sunsets


41 Best Romantic Movies Of All Time - Classic Romance Movies (

15 Types of Film Styles and Genres (And How They Differ) | 

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Media Studies Project



Genre and Characters


            The movie genre I have chosen is Romance. Romance films are known for being able to express love between characters. They are known to portray intimate relationships between characters. Additionally, it is important that the journey of love between characters is shown clearly. That being said, I would like to introduce the characters of my Film Opening. The characters of my Film are John and Maria. This film is based on my parents love story. I have always been a fan of Romance films and I am really honored/glad to have the chance to illustrate my parents love. 

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Media Studies Project


    Hello there, my name is Morgan Woods! 


         Today, I began my Cambridge Portfolio Project. The Cambridge Portfolio Project is a long term task that requires immense planning. I am tasked with creating a two-minute long Film Opening. I approached  this project by researching the film genres I can choose from. Some film genres I can choose from are crime, horror, action, romance, etc. I have various film ideas surrounding these genres and I am taking the time to choose what I think will be the best one. Every genre has different aspects and/or features so, I am really deciding which one I have the most passion for. Over the next month and a half, I am going to take value in the assignment I have been given, and make a phenomenal product out of it. I will combine research with planning to create a one of a kind production and reflection. I am very excited for what the future holds and to work on the Cambridge Portfolio Project! 

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Music Marketing Blog Post #2

          My Music Marketing Project was overall a fun process. In this blog post, I will be discussing all of the stages of my project. To start off, let's discuss the research and brainstorming process. I worked with four other people and each one of us had similar ideas. Therefore, the research and brainstorming process was not hard at all. My group members and I found ways to incorporate everyone's ideas into the storyline. Regarding the research portion, each one of us researched a specific album and/or case study related to our music genre. Doing this, caused us to work efficiently and save valuable time. 

         The filming of my Music Marketing Project was incredible. The song we chose to film to was "Coming Home," by Leon Bridges. The genre of this song is soul. My group members and I were very excited to work with and/or portray soul music in a music video. We filmed over the course of a few days and took quality time to film, to get the best shots and scenes we could. Our post-production included us carefully editing our video and developing a detailed presentation about our chosen music genre. Editing took up to two days because we wanted to make sure that each scene/shot fit the correct part of the song. 

       The presentation was a major part of the grading of our project. This caused us to take valuable time and consideration on how we planned to explain each topic in our presentation. Each one of us completed a set amount of slides and reviewed our topics. We constantly reviewed each topic so when we presented in front of the entire class, we would know exactly what we were talking about. Overall, the Music Marketing Project has taught me a lot. Through the process of completing it, I learned how to use my time efficiently and work better with others. Additionally, I better understand the process of making a music video and I am more familiar with the soul music genre. Being able to know how to manage my time  correctly and cooperate with others will be very useful when it comes to the Cambridge portfolio. 

Examples of my project: 


Project Components

                  Hey everyone, welcome back to my blog. This will be the last blog for my Portfolio Project. To begin, I want to thank ever...