Thursday, December 14, 2023

Post-Production of Documentary


               Welcome, Welcome, Welcome... Now that we have discussed Research, Planning, and Production let's discuss Post-Production! Post-Production is basically work done on a film after recording and filming has taken place. In other words, it is basically the editing process of a production. 



           What is editing? Well, production editing involves managing the entire production process from manuscript to finished product. Editing is very crucial to your documentary because it is where a filmmaker can transform their video. What do I mean by transform? By transform I mean transitions, add audio, import texts, etc. Honestly, in my opinion, editing is extremely fun! However, we are not talking about me, we are discussing my documentary. So lets get into that...



       Regarding the editing process for my documentary, my team and I had to plan out what days we were going to edit. My AICE Media Teacher (Mrs. Stoklosa) had us devise a Production Log to schedule our work. This became very useful because we knew what exact days we had, to do certain work. In addition, my team and I were able to keep track of each other and help one another stay on task. Here is a picture of my production log:

      Moving on, let's get into the official editing procedure. To edit, my friends and I used Adobe Premiere Pro. Adobe Premiere Pro is the industry-leading video editing software for film, the web, and T.V. Additionally, it is a well-known online tool used for a video editor's post-production workflow. I am fairly glad that my team and I used Adobe Premiere Pro. It is extremely convenient and allowed us access to various utensils aiding in the creation of a production. Here are examples of Adobe Premiere Pro:

          As you are now aware of the application my team and I used, let me give you a sneak peak into how our application looked during editing. We began with editing the B-Roll we obtained. As mentioned before, majority of our B-Roll was of books. Also, as said before, we incorporated the Cypress Bay High School campus as well. Editing the B-Roll was very fun. We were able to see how everything looked when put together. Here is a screenshot of our application, including the B-Roll:

    Lastly, let's discuss the editing of the Interviews. Even though we asked each teacher all of our designated Book Ban Questions, we decided to incorporate the questions that each teacher gave the best answer on. Each interview was roughly 2-3 minutes and we added a text box that included the names of each teacher. It is important that the audience is aware of who he/she is listening to or viewing. Then, my team and I made sure to include the VoiceOver we decided to incorporate. The VoiceOver played in the background of the interviews, and while B-Roll was being showed. Here are pictures of our Adobe Premiere Pro while we were editing the interviews:

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Project Components

                  Hey everyone, welcome back to my blog. This will be the last blog for my Portfolio Project. To begin, I want to thank ever...